Commitment to the profession

Commitment to the profession
As a society with a human dimension, Loranger Marcoux is proud to get involved in the community by making a positive change on a daily basis.

School engagement
University of Montreal
Since we consider education to be a powerful agent of change, Loranger Marcoux is committed with heart to the University of Montreal and its affiliated schools.
While several of our professionals have taught at the University of Montreal in the past, Micheline Bouchard, partner at our firm, has since 2011 held the title of Professor at the Bar School for labor law and negotiation.

Legal commitment
Employment Law Alliance (ELA)
Since 2014, Loranger Marcoux has been proud to be a member of the Employment Law Alliance (ELA), a world-class association bringing together law firms all with the same objective: to provide employers with quality services in labor law and in human resources management, no matter where in the world they do business.
To do this, ELA relies on more than 3000 lawyers in more than 100 countries, including every province of Canada and every state of the United States.
Thanks to this exclusive network, we are able to meet the unique needs of a clientele made up of pan-Canadian international or even multinational companies.